
3 km from the village of Vassieux en Vercors is the Raphaël Poirée Biathlon Stadium, named after the famous sportsman from the Vercors.
Groomed and marked trails (more than 20 km) as well as a shooting range await you.
If you want to discover this activity, several structures offer you initiation with laser rifles or real rifles!
With friends or family, feel the same sensations as our great French champions!

> Biathlon
Discover biathlon thanks to all-inclusive packages.
A sport that combines 2 disciplines: Nordic skiing and rifle shooting.
A seemingly demanding activity, but our partners offer discovery sessions accessible to all.
Are you not very comfortable cross-country skiing? No problem, the providers adapt and can offer you running (or brisk walking) in the snow or snowshoeing as an endurance activity.
To book this activity, please contact the providers below.
PLEASE NOTE limited places !

> Need information? Call the numbers below :
For the LAZER biathlon :
Col de Rousset French Ski School Tél. : 04 75 48 25 50 ou 06 80 25 80 09
For the COMPRESSED AIR (plumb) and 22 LONG RIFLE biathlon :
Col de Rousset French Ski School : ESF offers an introduction to the 22 long rifle on request. Feel free to text the phone number listed below. Tél. : 04 75 48 25 50 or 06 80 25 80 09
Vercors Biathlon : Guillaume Peyronnet.
Vercors Biathlon uses professional equipment: optical rifles with shooting analysis screens, air rifles and 22 LR rifles for 50-meter shooting.
Tél. : 06 88 32 23 21 –