Explor Games®

Want to play as a team while discovering the mountains? Discover Explor Games® and uncover “The Fabulous Mysteries of Vercors”!

> Explor Games: mountain adventure game “The Fabulous Mysteries of Vercors”

Immerse yourself in an imaginary adventure in the heart of Vercors.

Thanks to a digital tablet, play with family and friends and deliver the massif from a terrible threat…

The route is located on the Bois du Loup trail (2.5 km and 140 m elevation gain).

Tablet rental at the checkout.

Duration between 1h30 and 2 hours.

> Rates
18 / 5 000

18 € per person

– under 14: €15

Family Pack: €52 (chairlift included)

Information : tel. 04 75 48 24 64

> Discover our activity in video !